Managing lots of Shopify orders using a spreadsheet

Our detailed guide

How to connect Shopify to Google Sheets

Last updated: April 5th, 2023

Alex Black

Co-Founder / CEO

If you run a Shopify store, you’ve probably felt the need to export your store’s data, to analyze it, report on it, or perhaps just to back it up. In this article I’ll review all the best ways to get export your Shopify data to Google Sheets, and compare them so you can find the one thats right for you.

  • Can Shopify export to Google Sheets? Yes it definitely can, but you have to combine Shopify’s built in CSV export feature with Google Sheets import feature, we’ll show you how!
  • Are there free tools to export Shopify to Google Sheets? Yes there are free Shopify apps and Google Sheets addons that will automate the process and even schedule it for you to keep reports updated automatically.
  • The best paid tools. If you’re planning to export data from your Shopify store on an ongoing basis, to have one place to view your metrics, then it’s worth investing in a paid tool to save you time and ensure you have accurate data

Connecting Shopify to Google Sheets with an Addon

Another option is to use a Google Sheets Addon to pull data from Shopify automatically. This can be a huge time saver, and can often let you pull data into Google Sheets that you couldn’t otherwise export from Shopify directly, for example inventory. If you find yourself exporting repeatedly, then you should definitely try a Google Sheets addon. If you’re like me then you probably felt the pain of exporting even the first time... Let alone the second time!

Its a few more steps to set on up, but once you’ve set it up, its like you have a live connection from your Shopify store into Google Sheets, and you can have your sheets updated automaticaly on a schedule, which means you get a live view of your orders (for example) and won’t have to do any manual steps again! This is definitely the way to go. You’re going to thank me once you get this setup!

The steps to connect Shopify to Google Sheets with an addon

In these steps I’ll show you how use SyncWith’s Shopify to Google Sheets integration in their Google Sheets addon. It simple, you’ll find that you can get going in a few minutes! It can save you a ton of time, and you can even schedule it to update the data daily or hourly. Its amazing. You can also search the Google Workspace Marketplace for other addons that can connect to Shopify.

  1. Open a Google Sheet
    First you need to open a Google Sheet, or create a new one.
  2. Install the SyncWith addon for Google Sheets
    Click the Extensions menu in Google Sheets, then Addons and then Get Addons then search for SyncWith and then click Install follow the steps to get the addon installed
  3. Open the SyncWith Sidebar
    Click the Extensions menu in Google Sheets, then SyncWith and then Get started. This will open the SyncWith sidebar where you can connect to Shopify.
  4. Connect to Shopify
    Search for Shopify in the sidebar, and you can then click Shopify Orders or Shopify Products depending on what you’re looking to connect to your sheet, then follow the steps to connect your Shopify store, choose the fields you want to import, and boom you’re done!
Connecting Shopify to Google Sheets with the SyncWith Google Sheets addon

Exporting Shopify to Google Sheets using Shopify’s built in capabilities

Is it possible to export data from Shopify to Google Sheets using its built-in capabilities? Absolutely. If you need a one-time export or multiple exports, Shopify has you covered. It provides extensive reporting capabilities, and you can export all the data to Google Sheets using its built-in tools. As it is free and the data comes directly from Shopify, you can be confident in the accuracy and meaning of the data.

Are there any limitations or tradeoffs? There are a lot of tools out there to do this, why would you use one of them? The biggest issue we have is that its time consuming to constantly re-export data from Shopify, and to format it and summarize it in Google Sheets. If what you want is your own reports or views of the data in Google Sheets, that you can look at periodically, that are automatically kept up to date, then using Shopify’s built in capabilities might not be what you need.

In Shopify you can’t export directly to Google Sheets. The only thing Shopify will do is let you export a CSV file of Orders, Products or Customers, which you can then import that into Google Sheets.

A screenshot of the Shopify store admin orders export screen

The steps to export Shopify Orders to Google Sheets

These steps also work for exporting Products or Customers.

  1. Login
    Login to the Orders admin for your Shopify store
  2. Export to CSV
    Click Export top right, choose the set of orders you want to export, for example you might specify All orders to export all of your store’s orders, then click the Export orders button. If you are exporting less than 50 orders, you’ll be able to download the CSV file direclty, otherwise Shopify will email you the file.
  3. Open Google Sheets
    Next you need to open Google Sheets, and create new empty spreadsheet or open an existing spreadsheet where you want to import your Shopify orders
  4. Import the CSV file
    Use the Import action on the File menu in Google Sheets, and then browse to find the CSV file of orders that you downloaded in the previous steps, Google Sheets will then import your oredrs from Shopify and boom you’re done!

Helpful links

  • Export products to CSV []
  • Export orders to CSV []
  • Export customers to CSV []
  • Import CSV to Google Sheets []

Questions, comments?

  • Piotr Rabchevski
    Hi, I am using the SyncWith Shopify<>GoogleSheets connector.

    I want to export sessions and visitors of my site from Shopify to GoogleSheets, but I can't find this option in the Shopify<>GoogleSheets connector.

    Is this possible?
  • yash gawai
    Can I automatically capture contact form data filled by users and have it updated on a Google Sheet?
    1 reply
    • Alex
      Hi Yash, possibly! Our Shopify connector supports a lot of fields, so the question is where are you storing the form data?