WooCommerce Connector for Data Studio

Visualize your WooCommerce marketing metrics in Data Studio. Fast. Easy. Free.

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Example Data Studio report showing Facebook Ads marketing metrics

Excellent support, thank you very much!

Rob Clarke

Easily build custom WooCommerce reports in Google Data Studio

The WooCommerce connector gives you the power to slice and dice your marketing KPIs to get the insights you need for your business.

Schedule automatic updates

Use the built-in power of Data Studio to keep your reports up-to-date.

Pull data from dozens of dimensions and metrics

From high-level summary to nitty-gritty details, we've got you covered, whatever you're looking to report on.

Unlimited data

Whether you're tracking data for in-house purpose, or creating reports for hundreds of clients at an agency, you're not limited.

Chart and analyze data

Use the power of Data Studio to add charts, sparklines, pivot tables and more

Very responsive developer and a great service.

Paul Zwicker

Ready to get charting?Connect to WooCommerce for free.