Google Analytics Landing Page Report


Google Analytics Landing Page Report

Monitor your website’s landing page activity with data from our Google Analytics integration for Google Sheets – the following Dashboard provides a detailed view into:
  • The Last 30 Days Sessions from Google Organic Search
  • Search traffic graphs for your Top 15 Landing Pages in one spot
  • The Last 30 Days Bounce Rate from Google Organic Search
  • Refreshes automatically and/or manually
  • Created from Google Analytics account data
  • Shareable between teams
  • Customizable Data Visualization
  • Centralized Data Management
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Why Should I use this dashboard?

Here are six compelling reasons why you should consider using this dashboard as a starting point:
  1. Free: Our dashboard is free to take and make your own.
  1. Customization: You can customize your dashboard to display the metrics and dimensions that are most important to you. This means you can create a personalized view of your data that is tailored to your specific needs. Want more data, more charts → it’s all a Google Sheet and easy to edit.
  1. Real-time data: You can see your data in real-time. This means you can make informed decisions quickly and respond to changes in your data as they happen. The data can refresh hourly, daily or manually.
  1. Data visualization: You can create charts, graphs, and tables to help you better understand your data. This can help you identify patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent when working with raw data.
  1. Centralized data management: You can centralize your data management by importing data from multiple sources, including Google Analytics. Incorporate Google Ads Data, Facebook Ads, Google Search Console, etc.
  1. Collaboration: You can share your dashboard with team members, clients, or stakeholders. This can improve collaboration and ensure that everyone has access to the same data and insights.

Breakdown of the dashboard

The Last 30 Days Sessions from Google Organic Search

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This chart shows the number of sessions (website visits) that were generated from Google's organic search results within the last 30 days. Organic search refers to the traffic that comes to your website through unpaid search engine results. This chart can help you understand how your website is performing in terms of organic search traffic from Google over a 30-day period. But this just gives you the broad trend.
You need to dig deeper and look at how your top landing pages are doing:

Top 15 Landing Pages

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This table lists the top-performing organic search landing pages on your website— it includes metrics such as sessions, engagement rate, and, bounce rate. It is also includes a 30 Day Sessions sparkline. The goal of the table is to provide a quick and easy way for you to identify your most successful landing pages, so you can optimize them for better performance or use them as a reference for future landing page creation.
What do the metrics in this table indicate?
  1. Sessions: A session is a period of time that a user spends on a landing page before they leave. The number of sessions on a landing page is a measure of how many times users have visited that page during a specific time period. The pages are ranked from most to least sessions.
  1. Engagement rate: Engagement rate is a metric that measures how engaged users are with a landing page. It is calculated by dividing the number of engaged sessions by the total number of sessions for a given period. A high engagement rate indicates that users are finding the page interesting and valuable.
  1. Bounce rate: Bounce rate is a metric that measures the percentage of users who leave a landing page without taking any further action. A high bounce rate can indicate that the page is not relevant to the user's needs or that it is not providing enough information to encourage them to stay.
  1. 30 Day Sessions sparkline: The 30 Day Sessions sparkline is a visual representation of the number of sessions on a landing page over the past 30 days. It is useful for identifying trends and patterns in user behavior over time. A steady or increasing trend in the sparkline can indicate that the landing page is performing well and attracting more visitors, while a declining trend may indicate that changes need to be made to improve its performance.
    1. We also have a free >> SEO dashboard << that can help you unpack how your pages are ranking in the search engine results and which keywords are driving traffic
READY TO GET STARTED?Get the Dashboard

The Last 30 Days Bounce Rate from Google Organic Search

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This chart is a visual representation of the bounce rate of your website's traffic from Google organic search over the last 30 days. It shows the percentage of visitors who landed on your website from Google organic search and left without viewing any other pages on your site. Essentially, it can help you identify any trends or patterns in the bounce rate over time. For example, if the bounce rate has been increasing steadily over the last few weeks, it may be an indication that there are issues with your website's content or user experience that need to be addressed. On the other hand, if the bounce rate has remained consistently low, it may indicate that your website is providing valuable content and a good user experience.
Tailoring your content to your users intent is key, to understand their intent looking at the keywords used to get to your pages is your best way to start. Our free >> SEO dashboard << can help with that.

How is this dashboard configured?

This dashboard is created from data imported from Google Analytics using SyncWith— which is an add-on that supports integrating Google Sheets with various data sources. As a website owner, you're constantly wondering who your audience is and what they're doing on your website. SyncWith provides a solution to this by letting you integrate your Google Analytics account with Google Sheets. This provides you access to the relevant data. After you have access to the relevant data, there are various functions and customizations needed to successfully configure this dashboard. The following Step-by-step Guide shows how the data is imported into Google Sheets, and the next section shows how the dashboard is created:
NOTE: Before you begin, you need to get the SynWith add-on for Google Sheets. (Add Guide)

Don’t have SyncWith?

  • SyncWith is a Google Sheets Add On
  • SyncWith allows you to move data from any API into Google Sheets including databases like MySQL
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviewed by hundreds of Google businesses
  • Check out our Google Workspace Listing and see why we’re the highest rated API add on with over 100,000 installs. Install today and get your data into Sheets in minutes.
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Step-by-step Guide

This step-by-step guide will focus on the process behind setting up a Google Analytics report in Google Sheets using SyncWith – the specific attributes or specifications of your report can always be customized to fit your personal preferences and requirements. In addition, for this demonstration, we will use Google Analytics v4 to create a new report in the following Sheet.
Step 1: In your Sheet, click on Extensions, select SynWith, and go to Launch Sidebar.
Step 2: From the Sidebar, select Google Analytics v4 and name your report.
Step 3: Select a login, your current account, or connect an account, and then select a Google Analytics v4 property.
Step 4: Next, select a time range for the data.
After you’ve completed the steps above, you need to customize the different types of data you want to display in your Sheet. Such as:


You can choose from the various dimensions available for Google Analytics. Essentially, dimensions are attributes of your data. The dimension City, for example, indicates the city from which a session originates, such as "Toronto" or "Vancouver”. The dimension Page indicates the URL of the currently viewed page. Every time you add one you create more rows. You can select the dimensions that are essential for your report. In the following example, only one dimension has been selected.
In this report, we have selected:
  • Landing page + query string: This dimension refers to the webpage on your website where the visitor arrived first. The query string is the part of the URL that contains additional information about the source of the visitor.
  • Date: This dimension simply refers to the date on which the visitor arrived on your website.
  • Session source: This dimension indicates where the visitor came from, such as a search engine, social media platform, or another website.
  • Session medium: This dimension provides more specific information about the source of the visitor.


In this Google Analytics report, metrics are expressed numerically (number values,%, $, time): they are quantitative measurements of data that show how a website performs in relation to a specific dimension.
In this report, we have selected:
  • Sessions: This metric represents the total number of sessions (or visits) to your website during the selected time period. A session is defined as a group of interactions that a visitor has on your website within a given time frame.
  • New users: This metric represents the number of first-time visitors to your website during the selected time period.
  • 7-day active users: This metric represents the number of unique visitors who have visited your website at least once in the last 7 days.
  • Engagement rate: This metric represents the percentage of sessions in which the visitor engaged with your website.
  • Views per session: This metric represents the average number of pages or screens viewed per session.
  • Average session duration: This metric represents the average amount of time visitors spent on your website during a session.
  • Engaged sessions: This metric represents the percentage of sessions in which the visitor engaged with your website for a minimum amount of time or viewed a minimum number of pages/screens.

Sort by Dimensions or Metrics

You can choose multiple metrics and dimensions to sort by for example:
  • Sort first by Date - Ascending
  • Sort second by Sessions - Descending

Dimension and Metric Filters

From the Dimension Filter and Metric Filter section, you can select a filter, enter a value and select from the options Equals, Not Equals, Contains, and Not Contains. This will add a filter based on the specified criteria.

Row Limit

The Row limit is the number of rows you want to limit the sheet to, for example, you can enter 1000 and that will set a row limit of 1000 rows.

Update Mode

For the Update Mode, you can choose from Replace contents of sheet, Append rows to end of sheet, or Update or add rows as needed. The first two options are self-explanatory while the last option is more advanced.

Finalizing and Inserting the Report

After fully customizing your report, click on Next to head to the final page. From there, follow these steps:
Step 1: Set the refresh schedule for your report.
Step 2: Select whether to show the Status Row.
Step 3: Choose the insert location where you want to insert the report and click on Insert.
In this report, we have selected cell G1 to leave space on the left side of the sheet for the dashboard.
And Done! You’ve successfully integrated your Google Analytics Account with Google Sheets and now it will display data based on the preferences you have set using SyncWith.
Here’s how a fully customized Google Analytics Landing Page report may look like once you’ve set it up using SyncWith:
And, here’s how it appears in the SyncWith sidebar menu:

Calculating Data using Query Formulas

To calculate the Sessions and Bounce Rate for different dates, you need to use the following formulas:
=query({H3:H,K3:K},"select Col1, sum(Col2) where not Col1 is null group by Col1 order by Col1 asc label Col1 'Date',sum(Col2) 'Sessions'",0)
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Bounce Rate:
=query({H3:H,K3:K,Q3:Q},"select Col1, (1-sum(Col3)/sum(Col2)) where not Col1 is null group by Col1 order by Col1 asc label Col1 'Date',(1-sum(Col3)/sum(Col2)) 'Bounce Rate'",0)
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Creating the dashboard

Once you have inserted all the Google Analytics data that you need, you still have a bunch of numbers and text-based data, and that is not exactly the outcome you’re looking to achieve. So, now you can start to add charts and other visual representations of the data to give this report a professional and user-friendly touch.
For this demonstration, we will add the following three items to create a dashboard from the report:

Area Chart for Last 30 Days Sessions from Google Organic Search

Step 1: Go to Insert and click on Chart.
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Step 2: Select Chart type as Area chart.
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Step 3: Select the Data range.
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In this case, we are selecting S2:T92 as the data range because that’s where the Date and Sessions values are.
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Step 4: Next, go to Customize - Chart Style and tick Smooth for a smoother line.
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Step 5: From the Chart and axis titles menu, add a horizontal axis title, a vertical axis title, and finally, a chart title.
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Once you’ve entered all the titles, here’s how the chart should look like:
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Stats Table and Sparklines for Top 15 Landing Pages

Step 1: First, you have to bring over the relevant data from the report using the following Query function:
=query({G3:G,K3:K,P3:P,Q3:Q},"select Col1, sum(Col2), sum(Col4)/sum(Col2) where not Col1 = '(not set)' group by Col1 order by sum(Col2) desc limit 15 label Col1 'Top 15 Landing Pages', sum(Col2) 'Sessions', sum(Col4)/sum(Col2) 'Engagement Rate' ",0)
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Step 2: Create a new header next to Engagement Rate called Bounce Rate and use the following function to pull data from the report:
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Step 3: Create another header next to Bounce Rate called 30 Day Sessions Sparkline and use the following sparkline function to insert a sparkline and then drag the function down to all other cells:
=sparkline((ARRAYFORMULA(ifna(vlookup(today()-row($A$1:$A$30),query({$G$3:G,$H$3:H,$K$3:K},"Select Col2,sum(Col3) where Col1='"&$A21&"' group by Col2 order by Col2 asc"),2,false),0))),
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Area Chart for Last 30 Days Bounce Rate from Google Organic Search

For this Chart, follow the same steps as the previous area chart except for two things, the data range in this chart will be V2:W92 since that’s the cell range for the Bounce Rate data, and the chart title will be “Last 30 Days Bounce Rate from Google Organic Search”.
Data range:
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Chart title:
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That’s it! You’ve successfully integrated Google Analytics into Google Sheets, created a report, and created a Dashboard with visual representation of the data.
Here’s a final look:

Build your own Google Analytics dashboard in Google Sheets

SyncWith has many prebuilt integrations for Google Sheets, you can use our Google Sheets addon to easily pull data into Google Sheets from Google Analytics and other marketing tools.
  1. Use our GA4 to Google Sheets integration with Google’s latest version of Google Analytics
  1. If you’re still on the previous version, use our Google Analytics to Google Sheets integration for Universal Analytics