Moving reports to another SyncWith account

Alex Black

Alex Black

SyncWith is currently limited to a single account, tied to your Google Account. If you want to move a spreadsheet(s) and its report(s) from one account to another, you can use this process below.
Before getting started be sure you have two Google accounts. The one that has the SyncWith reports that you want to copy, we’ll call that the source account, and the one you want to copy them to we’ll call that the destination account.
  1. Open the spreadsheet in Google Sheets
  1. Make a copy of it, using File → Make a copy, in Google Sheets
  1. Open the copy of the spreadsheet in the destination Google account
  1. Open the SyncWith addon in the copy of the spreadsheet with the destination Google account
    1. If you haven’t already installed the addon in the destination account you’ll have to do that
  1. When you open the addon, it should create copies of all the SyncWith reports, which you can now use in the destination account
If you contact our Support we can assist with moving your payment (subscription) between accounts also.