How to re-connect your Data Studio source

Colin Dellow

Colin Dellow

You may see a Community Connector Error dialog box with a message like this:
Please edit the data source and reconnect your Facebook Ads account.
This indicates that some aspect of your data source configuration has stopped working. You will need to re-connect the data source to get your report working again. Please follow these steps.
1. Click the Resource menu
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2. Click the Manage added data sources item
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3. Click on the open link icon for the data source
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4. Complete the data source wizard to reconnect your Facebook ad account. Start by clicking on the link to connect a new Facebook account:
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5. On the Facebook permissions screen, approve access. This screen may vary in appearance.
6. Click NEXT to refresh the configuration wizard.
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7. Use the dropdown to select your Facebook account:
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8. After picking your account, click NEXT to refresh the configuration wizard.
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9. Your Facebook account may have access to more than 1 ad account. Pick the ad account that you wish to connect to using this data source.
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  1. Click the RECONNECT button in the upper right corner.
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